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A Message from the USFL Lives Creator

Hi all.

I want to let you know that starting in August I am going to have to reduce the pace of my posting. I work in academia, and with the new school year ramping up, along with an edict to return to working on campus instead of from home, it will be harder to find time to do all the simulating, statistic building, narrative writing, and searching for information and images to incorporate into the blog articles you have come to expect.

I believe I can complete the 1992 season and playoffs before slowing the pace, but once we get into the 1992 offseason and then seasons beyond, the number of weekly posts will have to be decreased. My goal is to move from a post every day to an average of 3-4 posts per week. The pace of a post a day (or a USFL week of action per day) has been feasible as I worked from home as I can access the simulation software from there and have more freedom to blend personal and business work all day long. That will no longer be the case, and the added commute time cuts into my morning and evening time spent on this USFL project. I believe a 3-4 post week is a manageable workload for this project.

I hope you will continue to follow the story of this alternate history USFL as we move into the 1990's and beyond. It has been a blast to create and hopefully a lot of fun for you all to follow.

Thanks, A. Bertsche, USFL fanatic

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4 commentaires

Alonzo Smally
Alonzo Smally
30 juil. 2021

Real life comes first, I will still follow your content.


29 juil. 2021

Of course we all understand, my heart dropped when I read the title but I think every 3 to 4 days or even once a week is fine. I was wondering how you were able to post as much as you have, don't get me wrong as it's been GREAT? Look how you were able to cover a decade in such a short period of time. I just hope you are able to see it through to current day. LOVE your work thanks so much for doing this!


Nick Ernst
Nick Ernst
29 juil. 2021

Of course I’ll Continue to follow your project. I’m also a teacher, plus a football coach so I definitely understand how much busier life is about to become


Russell Jones Sr.
Russell Jones Sr.
29 juil. 2021

I enjoy following your work, it is the highlight of my mornings. Understand that real life takes priority. This is one of the best fantasy sports simulation sites that I have ever followed. Thank you for all your efforts!

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